Sunday, April 3, 2016

April 3, 2016

I live almost in the middle of the state of Oregon.  I was born and raised in Prineville which is considered to be part of Central Oregon.

Today MO' Nique met me at the gate she was so happy for some attention.  (I had back problems for the month of March and my hubby did all my chores for me.  I sure missed my critters).

She is shedding a great deal now that the weather has warmed up.  I good currying and the shedding blade took the hair off in gobs.  The birds will be happy for using the hair in their nests.

I saddled up the Icelandic "Buddy" because he is as steady as can be and with MO' Nique being young and green I didn't want to encounter any sudden moves or airs above ground till my back is a 100%.

No Worries
No needs for worry even for the gauntlet of barking dogs all sizes charging their fences and trash cans put out for pickup, there was so silliness as I ponied her from Buddy around the neighborhood.   We actually gaited about 3-5 miles per hour because how relaxed everyone was.  I think she was just happy to be out and about.

I use "gaia gps" app on my iPhone to map out my rides.  I click on map layers for a more detailed look at where I have been.  Here is the link where we went and the stats on how fast.

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